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Devmani Reiki

Faith, Trust & Submission.

Devmani Reiki

The Magic Touch of Reiki.

Devmani Reiki

Heal your Body, Mind & Soul.

Devmani Reiki

Since 1998

Devmani Reiki

Reiki Classes

How To Acquire Reiki

The only way to activate Reiki in your hand is through a process of attunement, which is carried out by a qualified Reiki Master during two days Seminar.

First Degree

First Degree is taught in a two-day workshop and is structured on ground work for treating oneself as well as another with the Reiki energy.It includes four fine tuning amplifications which are performed by the Reiki Master. Three initiations activate and amplify the student’s energy field allowing him to transmit the higher frequency Reiki energies. Instruction; on hands- on is given for performing a treatment on oneself and on others.A suggested list of possible emotional and relation between physical ailments and their corresponding causes as is seen from a metaphysical perspective is also given as a chart.

Reiki Healing Book

Second Degree

Second Degree incorporates the use of the Tibetan symbols Usui discovered. The class includes the direct use of the symbols for performing distant Reiki energy transmission for healing. These symbols produce remarkable results. Students deepen their confidence and intuitive skills during this two-day course. Instruction and practice sessions are conducted to allow each student to work at a deep inner dimensional level. Four more fine attunements are given allowing the student to work with the symbols and their formulations with more power.

Reiki Healing Book

Master’s Degree

It is a two days course. The Master’s degree is divided into 3A & 3B. One day for 3A and One day for 3B. In 3A the student is given Masters Attunement. He is taught Psychic surgery, Healing thru crystal grid, Reading and feeling Aura, Pendulum dowsing, chakra cleansing & Beej Mantra, Master symbol and Tibetan healing symbols.

The 3B consists of Attunement techniques, Antahakarna symbols, and Usui symbols, Tibetan symbols, healing attunement, and Teaching techniques. After 3B one is able to attune I & II degree.

Reiki Healing Book

Teacher’s Degree

In the fourth degree, you are initiated as a Reiki Master. Not many people take this path, out once they do, it is a pathway filled with growth and blessings. The fee for the Reiki Master’s degree is very high, and it is this fee which providers a large obstacle to overcome. It proves the worth of the Fourth Degree to the one aspiring to become a Master.

I have never regretted my choice to become a Master and have been blessed in my life of service and dedication with the use of Reiki.

Karuna Reiki

The Essence Of Karuna Reiki

  • Love, Truth, Beauty and Harmony
  • Useful in handling past Life issues
  • Shattering delusions and denials
  • Opens lower chakra
  • Balance upper chakras with earth
  • Opens you to work more closely with all enlightened beings.
  • Motivating quality of all enlightened beings who are working to end suffering on earth.

Reiki Healing Book (Hindi)

Karuna is a Sanskrit word meaning compassionate action is fills your heart with love for all mankind. It is more focused, more direct, more ”get to the point” energy, all-encompassing, interdimensional and transformational.

The symbols of Karuna Reiki are of a higher vibration and more powerful. They help connect directly with the higher self. Energy allows intuitive guidance in the use of symbols.

The symbols were channeled by several other Reiki Master including miller, Mellie-Ray-marine, Pat Courtney, Cathering mills, Bellamount and Martoo Abraham.

In all the above listed two-day training seminars, we provide Reiki E-Book, Note Book, Reiki Healing & Meditation Music C.D. and two times Coffee/Tea & Refreshment. All participants are given their respective training certificates on completion of successful learning seminar.
Classes are conducted every weekend. Extra classes can be conducted on special request. Also, we have the facility for Online Classes.

Only For Foreigners

Additional Facilities like Boarding, Lodging, Conveyance & Language guide will be available on payment of applicable charges.

5 Principles of Reiki

  • Just for today, I will not worry.
  • Just for today, I will not get angry.
  • Just for today, I will earn my living honestly.
  • Just for today, I will honour my parents, Teachers and elders.
  • Just for today, I will live by the Attitude of gratitude.


Floral Decor

Effects of Reiki

Reiki Stress Relief

Stress Relief


Increases Creativity

Increases Creativity


Heals Holistically

Heals Holistically


Reverses again Process

Reverses Ageing Process





Chakra Meditation
Balance Energy

Balance Energy


Helps Relieve insomnia

Helps Relieve insomnia


Amplifies Energy

Amplifies Energy


Vitalizes Body Mind

Vitalizes Body & Mind


Works on Causal Level of Disease

Works on Causal Level of Disease


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